Booking your car for service? 10 tips to have a stress free car service

service book


service book

When booking your car, it’s possible that the workshop may not be able to schedule it on the same day, possibly requiring a delay of three or more days.

Workshops prioritize quality time for each vehicle and overloading them isn’t helpful.

Similarly, if you choose to go elsewhere, kindly cancel your previous booking to allow space for other customers who might be on a waiting list.

Are you doing a service or a repair?

gearbox repairs

When you make a booking for a service, please note that it covers the scheduled timeframe for a service which is usually a full day and not comprehensive repairs.

Routine services do not encompass additional faults found during service.

To address such faults, please inform us specifically and make an additional booking to avoid any disappointments.

Alternatively, discuss these issues upfront over the phone to allocate the appropriate amount of time.

there does come a time that additional repairs can be done in conjunction with the car service.

Honesty is the best key

being honest for car repairs

When arriving at the workshop, have your paperwork ready, including your service book, and remove valuables from the car.

Honestly communicate any car issues, including its full background, even if another workshop has attempted to fix it previously, as this facilitates a smoother process and saves time on diagnosing repairs.

don't leave fuel on E when you book it for a service

car running on low fuel

To ensure an accurate diagnosis, it is crucial for the workshop to drive the car until it cuts out in cases like engine stalling; customers who mistrust workshops due to fuel theft concerns are advised to seek a different establishment, while also ensuring there is sufficient fuel for the workshop to move the car within the premises and potentially conduct a test drive.

we’re not asking for a full tank, just don’t leave it on the empty.

Don't forget your battery

Car Battery

Despite common misconceptions, workshops do not have spare batteries readily available, so if your car is not starting, it is essential for you to bring a functioning battery; the workshop cannot provide a temporary battery and it is unethical to use a battery from another customer’s vehicle.

Can you bring your own parts

oil filter car service

Insisting on bringing your own parts to an accredited workshop poses significant issues, including potential liability for any subsequent damage caused by the fitted part and delays in service due to incorrect parts, leading to a backlog in the workshop. We don’t mind it, just keep in mind if we do labour twice due to incorrect parts, you will need to pay for labour twice.

claim from your warranty policy?

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What to bring along for your service?

On the day of your service, what should you bring along?


  1. lock nuts if applicable, some cars have special tools to remove their tyres.
  2. service book, we need to be able to stamp your book.
  3. any historical invoices if you bring your car for any type of repair correction.
  4. immobilizers/ anti-theft remotes. Let us know if you have them installed as sometimes the battery needs to be removed.

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